A practical and solution-oriented lawyer and mother of two.


Over the past four years, I've had the privilege of serving as the Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) for Yellowknife South. As a member of Cabinet, I have acted as Minister of Finance, Minister of Justice, Minister of Industry, Tourism, and Investment, and Minister Responsible for the Status of Women. I was also a member of the special joint committee on Reconciliation and Indigenous Affairs. 

Yellowknife has been my family’s home since 2007. I was born and raised in Calgary but trace my ancestral roots to the Red River Settlements in Manitoba. In Calgary, I completed a Bachelor of Arts degree in Law and Society from the University of Calgary in 2000. Later, I began my legal career in Toronto after completing a law degree from the University of Toronto, Faculty of Law in 2005.

 Before politics, I was primarily a criminal defense lawyer, advocating for my clients at all levels of court in the NWT. After five years in solo practice, I joined the firm of Dragon Toner, where I expanded into general litigation including public and administrative law supporting non-profit and public boards, as well as private sector clients. It was my desire to seek legal and policy change not only through court but through a new forum that ultimately led me to run for the 19th Assembly.

In the legal community, I served as President and Vice-President of the Law Society of the Northwest Territories (LSNT). I was also actively involved with the Canadian Bar Association, and contributed to committees including the Domestic Violence Treatment Option Court Steering Committee and the Wellness Court Steering Committee. In 2015, I received the LSNT and CBA President’s Award and in 2017, with a national Zenith award celebrating Canadian Women in Law.

I have always been engaged with many roles and perspectives across our community. My efforts included being appointed as a member of of the City of Yellowknife's Social Issues Committee, Legal Aid Commission and the Income Assistance Appeals Committee. I also previously acted as the Secretary to the Northwest Territories Chamber of Commerce and also as a member of the Boards at Avens, the Montessori Society and NWT YWCA.

My spouse Kevin and I have two children actively involved in a variety of community sports. I maintain my sanity through trail running and paddling.